AUGS Misinformation

It’s difficult to believe, but the American Urogynecologic Society (AUGS) continues to spew nonsense to doctors and patients. Here is the latest from “Voices for

Safety concerns: Many women who had mesh surgery have done well. But, mesh surgeries like all surgeries have risks. And, the risks for the mesh used to treat SUI are not the same as the risk for mesh used for POP repair. Also, there are different risks related to because of where and how the mesh is placed. Plus, the risks vary depending on whether it is permanent or dissolvable mesh.

The recent concerns about mesh risks are linked to transvaginal POP surgery only. We now know that the risk of complications for transvaginal repair can be high. After this particular surgery, many women report serious complications. For example, infection, pain, urinary problems, vaginal scarring, and urinary incontinence. Plus, in some women, the mesh dislodged and moved into the surrounding tissue—this mesh may erode into those tissues and damage organs. Because of this, the Food and Drug Administration is requiring mesh makers to conduct further tests. These companies must provide stronger proof on the safety and effectiveness of this type of mesh device.

Check out the AUGS language here: